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Video: Truck drives full-speed toward protesters in Minneapolis

A large crowd on a bridge quickly parted as a tanker truck approached at full speed

Truck drives into crowd.JPG

By David Matthews
New York Daily News

MINNEAPOLIS — A tanker truck drove into a crowd of protesters blocking a road in Minneapolis on Sunday.

In video of the incident, a large crowd on a bridge quickly parts as a tanker truck approaches at full speed on I-35, a road that had reportedly been closed off to car traffic. The crowd converges and surrounds the car and pulls the driver out of the truck’s cab.

Video at the scene showed at least one person on the front of the truck as it finally came to a stop.

The incident occurred during another day of protests in the city over the police killing of George Floyd last week.

Several people were reportedly hit by the truck, but no injuries have been reported, according to Fox 9.

Police quickly surrounded the vehicle with guns drawn.

Protests across the country have also seen drivers steer into crowds. In St. Louis, a man was killed after he was dragged by a Fed Ex truck after protesters surrounded the vehicle and the driver accelerated away.