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Poem: Christmas Duty

“I wasn’t prepared for what I was gonna see...It was eight reindeer, pulling a sleigh, on the roof and looking down at me.”

Calling all police poets! Police1’s column highlights the inspirational, moving and funny poems written by our readers.

This poem is by Captain Chris Duke of the Richland County (South Carolina) Sheriff’s Department who writes, “This makes 20 years for me. I have taken shifts for coworkers with families because I carry the Christmas spirit, but as the father of a 4-year-old, the magic is still very real to me. My son and my deputies mean the world to me, so I came up with a poem to put into my monthly newsletter rather than just crime stats or crime prevention tips.”

Email your submissions for consideration to

Christmas duty

Christmas duty can be full of sorrow and grief missing time with your family, presents and the glow of the tree.

You drive around when things seem quiet and calm, but soon the radio blares its familiar song.

“Burglary in progress, a neighbor is calling from across the street...”

“I’m 10-17!” I say as I step on the gas, turn on my lights and siren, because I’m moving real fast.

I’m first to arrive on scene, if this suspect is caught, please let it be by me.

I wasn’t prepared for what I was gonna see...

It was eight reindeer, pulling a sleigh, on the roof and looking down at me.

As if alerted by my blue lights’ flash, up popped Santa, boy he is fast.

I see him and he sees me then he says “You can only see, because you still believe.”

“Merry Christmas!” He also says to me, “Thank you for protecting the community.”

“Now go be with the ones you love, your shift, it’s almost done.”

Then he rose with barely a glimmer, gone were the sleigh and the eight reindeer.

I finished the call, I was done, and I thought gee, this Christmas was fun!

Also, there had been no neighbor across the street, it was just old St. Nick wanting to meet.

Read more police poetry here.