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N.Y. sheriff’s sergeant dies of medical event at jail

Sgt. Arthur Bashur, 39, was a nine-year veteran of the sheriff’s office

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Duty Death: Arthur Basher - [Erie County]

End of Service: 29/03/2022

By Maki Becker
The Buffalo News, N.Y.

ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. — A sergeant with the Erie County Sheriff’s Office died Tuesday following a medical event while on duty at the Erie County Holding Center, Sheriff John C. Garcia announced Wednesday.

Sergeant Arthur Basher suffered a medical event at about 4 p.m. Deputies and medical staff at the jail administered CPR and other medical measures but could not revive him, sheriff’s officials said.

Basher was a nine-and-a-half year veteran of the sheriff’s office who was promoted to sergeant in 2017. He was 39.

“We are all stunned and shaken by his passing, and I have arranged for grief counselors and peer counseling to be available at the holding center,” Garcia said.

The sheriff’s office has placed a shroud on the memorial stone in front of their building at 10 Delaware Ave. in observance of Basher’s passing.

(c)2022 The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.)