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Preparing America’s Cops For Terrorism

Police1 is providing special coverage on terrorism to help law enforcement prevent, combat and recover from a terrorist attack. Our expert columnists address prevention, preparedness, training, mitigation, response, recovery and lessons learned from incidents on U.S. soil.

Protecting the public from an unknown source of radiation is challenging — police departments must use a mix of different sized detectors to locate these threats
“Swarming” is to use multiple attackers to target either one adversary from multiple sides at once, or to attack multiple adversarial positions at separate locations simultaneously
Indicators of radical-belief-based violence are cumulative. The more present, the greater the probability of violent behavior
Having a comprehensive, written policy is very important in managing inmates who wish to radicalize others towards terrorist behavior
Patrol officers need to be suitably prepared, trained and equipped to deal with terrorist attacks
It has been 10 years since the attack, and the lessons learned remain relevant to all police officers today
At present, terrorist attacks happening in the United States have been different from what typically occurs overseas
There will be short and long-term effects that are physical, emotional and psychological
Many radioactive isotopes have important, everyday use. That can make them accessible to individuals looking to devise a dirty bomb
Trainers must expose cops to high levels of simulated stress and develop scenarios that force them to make critical decisions