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To fulfill our editorial mission to deliver the most comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the critical issues impacting law enforcement, the Police1 columnist roster features subject matter experts from each discipline within the policing profession.

Police1 columnists provide unique, on-the-job insights gathered from decades of experience working in many different types of departments and agencies across the country.

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Eight choices for any budget to protect your property from the elements and reduce your heating and cooling bill
The plethora of digital evidence available to law enforcement is bringing actionable insights to investigations and strengthening cases for prosecution, but it must be managed with care
Cleaning your firearm is not just about maintaining its aesthetics or functionality; it’s essential for ensuring safety and reliability
The proposed budget includes a request to fund the Collaborative Reform for Juvenile Justice program to address emergencies in their juvenile justice systems
Healthy, portable, delicious choices for quick fueling
Albany Police Chief Marcia Harnden faced many challenges when she stepped into the role, including employee discipline, high-profile uses of force and staffing shortages
Track your body’s biometrics with these top Amazon picks
Through a unique blend of mentorship, wellness and community engagement, Dayton PD’s program equips recruits with the tools to thrive in their careers
A recent spate of LODDs requires immediate action against the rising incivility, failed criminal justice reforms and the mental health crisis that endanger police officers’ lives