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To fulfill our editorial mission to deliver the most comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the critical issues impacting law enforcement, the Police1 columnist roster features subject matter experts from each discipline within the policing profession.

Police1 columnists provide unique, on-the-job insights gathered from decades of experience working in many different types of departments and agencies across the country.

To submit articles, follow the steps outlined in our author guidelines. All articles are subject to review and not all submissions are accepted by the Police1 Editor-in-Chief.

Officers face critiques from all sides — peers, supervisors and the public. Here’s how to turn criticism into opportunities for professional and personal growth
Don’t worry, it is still possible to connect with and learn from other law enforcement leaders
Discover how officers can apply the ICE-T framework to isolate threats, contain risks and establish communication, ensuring the best possible outcome in dangerous crisis situations
The lack of mental health support in small law enforcement departments can lead to long-term issues for officers and their families — it’s time for a cultural change to address these challenges head-on
Discover essential tools to help individuals with limited mobility navigate daily life more easily and securely
When an affair happens it is a symptom of relationship discord, but problems in the relationship existed before the betrayal took place
Affordable, practical and durable — this tactical multi-tool is designed for first responders who need reliability and versatility at their fingertips
The recently retired Las Vegas Metro PD Assistant Sheriff reflects on the lessons she’s learned about leadership, resiliency and empowering women in law enforcement
There is no other position within a law enforcement organization capable of affecting change more than a patrol sergeant