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Police Training

Police1’s Police Training and Law Enforcement Training course resources help to keep officers safer on the street by providing access to information that supports professional development and improves training.

Help your teams excel by doing your part to stay educated and engaged
Maintaining your situational awareness will provide good judgment, clear analysis, and proper decisions as you face the tactical challenges of a barricaded gunmen
The “3 Cs” can increase the chances of successful decision-making and scene management during these complex incidents
Learn how the Humane Society’s specialized training helps police investigate animal abuse and fighting rings
Revolutionizing officer performance with neuroscience, virtual simulation and real-time biofeedback technology

How to master the art of speedy handcuff application and removal
Every time you pull that trigger with less than total focus, you’re not just missing the mark — you’re potentially reinforcing bad habits
Go from purchase to proficiency with Staccato pistols
Explore how this joint effort in Northern California is reshaping emergency response with faster, smarter, drone-driven solutions
Smith discusses the TASER 10, VR-based training and the impact of AI on policing, highlighting how these advancements enhance officer safety, efficiency and effectiveness
Key leadership strategies for developing future tactical leaders and achieving SWAT team success
SROs can start by being prepared, proactive, resourceful and decisive
We must energize and educate the public on how they can prevent these shootings by watching for certain common behaviors these killers exhibit
Download this Police1 firearms training range buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Meet the leaders who are rewriting the rules with fresh perspectives and powerful strategies that promise to reshape the landscape of law enforcement
Equip yourself with cutting-edge tactics, psychological insight and decisive strategies to effectively neutralize threats and protect lives during an active shooter response
Incorporate the eye-head-gun technique to boost your precision and avoid over-travel
Improv skills don’t just make you a better co-worker and leader, they make you a better friend, spouse, partner, parent, sibling and offspring
If your agency doesn’t have a plan for how to deal with fire as a weapon, it’s time to get to work
“MCP is known for its thought leadership, which has been the case since the firm was founded 15 years ago, and this year’s conference continues that tradition,” said Morgan Sava, senior vice president of corporate marketing and support services. “Once again, we’ve assembled leading innovators who will explore and make sense of the most compelling topics in the public sector.”
Gracie, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, discusses a new method of lateral restraint he developed where two subjects can control one person using a novel set of grips
Repetition and realistic scenarios in training are crucial for developing quick and effective responses
A recent study demonstrates that police officers are prone to firing their weapons when their colleagues do, emphasizing the need for contextualized firearms training
Through an agreement with Commonwealth University, state police cadets can earn 20 credit hours toward a criminal justice degree program
One of the most important things a public safety leader does is help those they supervise learn to participate in and adapt to changing conditions within their agencies
Seasoned trainers share insights on the often-overlooked dangers of improper muzzle pointing, urging officers to reconsider their approach to firearm safety in the field
New sergeants must implement intentional work routines that will create opportunities to communicate with officers, peer supervisors and command staff
Arson and fire investigation training equip investigators with a robust skill set that extends far beyond identifying the causes of fires
It’s time for all law enforcement agencies to modify physical fitness training to meet the challenges of the vertical mile