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Police Training

Police1’s Police Training and Law Enforcement Training course resources help to keep officers safer on the street by providing access to information that supports professional development and improves training.

Discover the overlooked vulnerabilities in police station safety and review practical strategies for enhancing security, including tactical response, proactive planning, and improving perimeter and weapons security
Green labs training involves a hands-on, immersive experience where officers interact directly with real cannabis users in controlled environments
By practicing under simulated stress, officers can develop the ability to control their fear in real-life situations
Being willing to employ an effective technique or tactic the instant it is justified will do more to control a suspect than starting with an inadequate one
Closely following performance can prevent misconduct and improve agency effectiveness
A pivotal 2020 case examines how TASER logs and video footage can impact an ongoing debate surrounding police use of force
Science can redefine how we evaluate police actions, and ensure accountability that’s fair and just
The state’s proactive approach can provide a model for others to follow
From rookie to veteran, maintaining excellence in law enforcement requires commitment, resilience and the unwavering goal to be a great officer
Casualty movement is more than just dragging someone to safety; it requires planning, quick assessments and adaptability
Be cognizant of what is working – and what is not – and be flexible enough to change tactics quickly as needed
How FTOs can improve their feedback process using structured models like the McKinsey Feedback Model to drive growth, confidence and skill development in officers
Don’t worry, it is still possible to connect with and learn from other law enforcement leaders
Discover how officers can apply the ICE-T framework to isolate threats, contain risks and establish communication, ensuring the best possible outcome in dangerous crisis situations
VirTra and IADLEST launched Taskforce Santa to provide access to elite training simulators for agencies in need. Nominations are now open for this year’s initiative
Amelia Frasure shares her experience as the UAS program manager of the Greenville Police Department’s drone program and her passion for training the next generation of drone operators
While there is no one way to do the job, this is a list of basics for every cop on the street
LEOs must develop fundamental knowledge and skills in tactical operations to credibly address horrific active shooter incidents
Both the public and cops have many misconceptions about police crowd control
Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies have traditionally been hesitant to engage in this kind of self-analysis and information sharing
We should be doing more to harness the wisdom of street cops and what they learn from every shift
After more than two decades of marriage, this police couple shares the lessons they’ve learned to strengthen their relationship
Courage is not taking action in the absence of fear, but taking action in spite of fear
Become an asset to your shift and watch just how quickly and easily you adapt to your new profession
These principles will help you physically, legally and emotionally survive law enforcement
Axon’s Thi Luu and Andy Wrenn explain how portable virtual reality training pods and realistic scenarios can improve officer performance, safety and community engagement
MILO’s simulations offer realistic training options that allow departments to train their officers in both the use of firearms and less-lethal force options
See how Axon’s virtual reality training and its TASER 10 VR Controller collide to provide law enforcement officers with realistic
This 6-day conference offers unparalleled learning opportunities designed to equip law enforcement instructors with the skills they need to excel