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The mission of Sigma Tactical Wellness centers around advanced cardiac science in conjunction with proven strategies of lifestyle change to positively affect departmental health culture. Sigma focuses on identifying at-risk individuals, detecting early onset heart disease in younger populations of officers, and preventing the development of heart attacks in high risk individuals. These continually-engaging processes can not only avert the disastrous and often expensive consequences of heart attack, it can serve to completely eradicate heart disease within any department or agency. Sigma is here and ready to work with you to ensure the immediate and long-term health of your officers. Sigma has developed a comprehensive cardiac laboratory screening evaluation along with an individualized nutritional and exercise prescription that makes use of approaches that are all vetted and peer-reviewed. The screening consists of non-invasive imaging as well as advanced lipid panel, and inflammatory biomarker analysis which can be used to predict the likelihood of a heart attack. Sigma truly understands the dynamic nature of law-enforcement and has created this program to create long-term sustainable health specifically designed for all members of public safety.

Address: 4285 CR 3270
Zip Code: 76539
Location: Texas, Illinois
Main Phone Number: (970) 329-1314
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