Press Release:
NanoVia, LP
4 Delta Drive, Box 6
Londonderry, NH 03053
NanoVia has developed a Patented Ballistic Tagging Technology. The technology places an identification mark on each cartridge casing ejected from a properly outfitted firearm. The idea is to have this technology integrated in firearms as an alternative to the ballistic “fingerprinting” methods currently under such hot debate.
Today’s common ballistic “fingerprinting” technology is the tedious analysis of scratches and dings on ejected cartridge casings. Its application is remarkably subjective and unreliable, and for it to even approach being comprehensive, a national firearm database would need to be implemented. This opinion on its limitations is shared by many, even the leading manufacturer of the system.
Our technology eliminates the need for national gun registration or a national database, and can be simply viewed by utilizing imaging equipment commonly found at local, state and federal forensics laboratories, and because of its uniqueness, it does not require extensive cross-jurisdictional image databases or a national image database of “scratches & dings.”
Instead of “scratches and dings,” our technology imparts a unique, indelible, and microscopic code onto the cartridge casings when a bullet is fired and the casing is ejected from a properly outfitted firearm. This code takes the form of encrypted symbols, bar codes or simple alpha-numerics (such as a serial number or some type of tracking number) that can be accessed at the manufacturers’ level. This type of identifier would immediately and unquestionably lead investigators to a specific gun without the manpower and expense associated with the creation and maintenance of an image database which tries to match “scratches & dings” that change with time and/or differing ammunition.
We understand the volatile political and social issues involved with gun legislation at any level, but to give you an idea of the attention we have received recently, a state Senator from California has asked us to testify in front of the California State Senate regarding the practical nature of using our technology instead of the current “scratch and ding” fingerprinting techniques being considered by their legislature. We are also participating in a funded project by the California Department of Justice Forensics Laboratory and the California Criminalistics Institute; and, we are pursuing a grant from the National Institute of Justice for further testing.
We would very much like to answer any questions from you or other members of your organization. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience, and thank you for the time you took to read this message.
Jenniffer McConnell
Director of Corporate Services
Todd Lizotte
Vice President of R&D