On numerous occasions in this space, we’ve discussed the fact that all suspect searches must be thorough. We’ve talked about the fact that two searches — by two different officers — should be SOP (yet another application of the “Two is One, One is None” rule).
We’ve had several instances of subjects being armed and in the back of a squad (both uncuffed and cuffed). We’ve even used the example of a gun hidden in a woman’s vagina as the impetus for conversation about this topic.
The video below has been floating around the Internet for the past couple of weeks (I’ve received it from a half dozen different sources). Initially upon seeing it, I’d hoped to determine its origin (I’ve tried, to no avail) before posting it in this space. I’d wanted to get in touch with the PD where this happened, so as to allow them to offer comment (this offer stands, so if you work at this agency, pass this along to your PIO so he/she can contact me via email).
Irrespective of any additional information (or explanation) forthcoming from those who were there, I will not delay further in sharing this with you. I’m relieved to tell you that it appears that this turned out with all the officers safe. Check out the video. Add your thoughts in the comments area below. As always, stay safe my brothers and sisters.