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ProForce Online Goes Live

PRESCOTT, ARIZONA – ProForce Law Enforcement is delighted to announce that its new website Proforce Online is open for business. Holsters, magazines, belts, flashlights and lots more are now available for purchase 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, enabling officers nationwide to shop for gear at their convenience.

“We are very pleased and excited to be able to now sell our products online” stated Tim Mulder, President of ProForce. “This gives us a great opportunity to offer our products and superior customer service to customers nationwide. A unique benefit of Proforce Online is that it allows its users to view the product details and availability for hundreds of law enforcement firearms.”

ProForce law enforcement is a major distributor of law enforcement firearms and equipment. The company sells exclusively to law enforcement agencies, individual officers, active and retired military professionals, security personnel, medical first responders and fire professionals.

ProForce has operations in Prescott, Arizona and Brea, California and traveling law enforcement agency sales representatives throughout the Western United States. The company features an excellent selection of products from top manufacturers such as GLOCK, TASER, REMINGTON, BERETTA, COLT, BUSHMASTER, SMITH & WESSON, SAFARILAND, H&K, SUREFIRE, RUGER, EOTECH, BENELLI, BIANCHI, FIRST DEFENSE, SIG SAUER, BLACKHAWK, UNCLE MIKES, FNH USA, PARA USA, OTIS, AIMPOINT, KIMBER, HOGUE, KEL-TEC, STREAMLIGHT, LEUPOLD, KERSHAW, MSAR, STORM CASE, MOSSBERG, SPRINGFIELD ARMORY, HATCH, and MONADNOCK.

For information about ProForce Law Enforcement or its products please visit our website, call (800) 367-5855, or email