SAN FRANCISCO, CA -The Presynct Report Network was selected by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization (OLETC) to participate in the Commercialization Planning Workshop (CPW). The CPW is offered by OLETC three times a year. Participation is by invitation only and provides a select group of companies and products with an intense week of classes, seminars and meetings designed to help attendees get their products into the public safety and corrections marketplace.
“It is a distinct honor for Presynct to be among the select group of 12 technology innovators invited to the CPW. Only emerging technologies that have commercial potential for law enforcement or corrections attend the CPW,” says Evelyn Graham, President of Presynct Technologies, Inc. Innovative products are chosen based on the quality of the product, the needs the products fulfills and how innovative the technology and ideas are. “The workshop gave me an enormous amount of assistance in getting the Presynct Report Network into the hands of law enforcement agencies that are ‘drowning’ in paperwork and will benefit from a low cost, open architecture, paperless documentation system,” says Graham. In addition to attending the CPW, the OLETC staff follows up with each innovator to provide ongoing assistance in bringing their products to market.
The Presynct Report NetworkTM is a preliminary investigation and paperless documentation system. Most of the raw data that is crucial to building a criminal case originates at the local level. The inaccuracies and illegibility inherent in paper incident reports is a major cause of diminishing efficiency for patrol officers, command staff, and administrators. PresynctTM initiates the justice information sharing process using existing departmental forms, requires minimal training, eliminates duplicate data entry, and meets all statutory privacy and security requirements. The Presynct open architecture integrates seamlessly with current systems.
About Office of Law Enforcement Technology Commercialization (OLETC)
OLETC, a program of the National Institute of Justice’s Office of Science and Technology, assists in the commercialization of innovative technology for use by the law enforcement and corrections community. OLETC identifies new technologies within established mission parameters and aids in the commercialization of those technologies to assist the public safety markets.