SALT LAKE CITY - CHRIS HELLEWELL, Vice President of Product Development at Spillman Technologies, was named as Chief Technology Officer of the year by the Utah Technology Council (UTC). He was acknowledged for co-chairing the CTO P2P Forum and for his avid support of that Forum for the last five years. Utah business leaders gathered at the Utah Technology Council (UTC) Annual Members’ Meeting Luncheon at Salt Lake’s Grand America Hotel on April 9, where UTCPresident Richard R. Nelson and Chairman Alan Hall also presented a number of other awards.
About Utah Technology Council
Utah’s premier professional association, the Utah Technology Council has become the essential business resource for high-tech, life science and clean tech companies seeking to achieve greater success. At its core, UTC exists to foster the Growth of the state’s 5,700 technology companies, ensure Utah develops the highest Quality Workforce in the nation and attract an ever-increasing array of Funding. Members join UTC to share insights with industry peers, counsel with government and academic leaders and receive help from professional service providers and funding resources.
About Spillman Technologies
Spillman Technologies meets the needs of public safety professionals with a comprehensive suite of integrated software solutions. The software is installed at more than 800 agencies nationwide.
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