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Maui Police Adopt Environmentally-Safe Traffic Control System

MAUI, HAWAII - PowerFlare Corporation [] (Menlo Park, CA), a manufacturer of rugged portable lighting products was recently awarded a sale to the Maui Police Department to replace old-fashioned traffic (highway) flares with the company’s rechargeable PowerFlare® LED safety light products.

Lt. Jeffrey Tanoue of the Maui Police Department released the following statement:

“There are many reasons why the Maui Police Department decided to replace their current use of incendiary flares with a new electronic LED warning flare device, called PowerFlare. The incendiary flares, which had been utilized by MPD since its inception many years ago, were the only warning device available. Flares are used primarily at road closures to warn motorists of hazard conditions that may exist due to automobile crashes, fallen trees or utility poles, or any emergency incident that requires an early warning system.”

Lt. Tanoue noted that environmental issues were a particular concern:

“The incendiary flares, when ignited, produced a toxic cloud of smoke that posed a health hazard to the police officer and/or anyone close enough to inhale the smoke. It was not uncommon to see officers coughing and rubbing their eyes from the smoke emanating from the flares. Another problem encountered with the use of incendiary flares was the toxic chemical residue left on the ground which may indeed pose an environmental hazard to Maui’s precious natural surroundings. In addition, due to Hawaii’s warm climate and sunny conditions throughout the year, there is always the possibility of an incendiary flare igniting a fire to the usually dry vegetation. With the use of the PowerFlare units, there are no health or environmental concerns. There is no smoke to inhale, no residue to worry about, no fires to extinguish, and we are utilizing a device that provides better visibility, making it safer for the police officers and the public.”

Research into the adverse health consequences and environmental pollution attributable to old-fashioned flares is now providing a better understanding for government and private sector users, strongly favoring a switch to PowerFlare(R) products. For example, perchlorate, a harmful chemical found in flares has been discovered in ground water as well as dairy milk and other agricultural produce such as lettuce throughout the U.S.

About PowerFlare Corporation
PowerFlare Corporation ( is a privately-held company located in the San Francisco Bay Area, near Palo Alto, California, that manufactures ultra-rugged lighting and safety products for public safety professionals, military groups, as well as for consumer sport/recreation and safety markets.

The PowerFlare® Electronic Beacon was invented by an officer from a municipal police department in Silicon Valley with the objective of eliminating the danger, difficulty in use, and needless cost of old-fashioned road flares.