LENEXA, KS - ICOP Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICOP), an industry-leading company engaged in advancing digital surveillance technology solutions, today announced the receipt of a $244,000 order for 46 ICOP 20/20 VISION™ systems; 40 units will go to the Billings Police Department and 6 units to the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office.
The ICOP 20/20 VISION is an in-car video solution that provides full, independent control of the DVR through an officer’s Mobile Data Terminal (MDT). This system leverages all the features and benefits of the award-winning ICOP Model 20/20®-W that have defined ICOP as an industry leader in high-quality video evidence.
Marking the largest deployment of the ICOP 20/20 VISION system to date, the agency will deploy the additional 40 units with the goal of converting their existing ICOP Model 20/20®-W units to VISION over time. The systems were purchased using federal grant money made available to the agency through the Stimulus Funds.
For Billings, winter temperatures can be well below zero, with the average record low of -38°F. Successful installations such as this prove the outstanding performance of the ICOP products in cold climates.
“This project of switching 80 systems from analog to digital was no small undertaking. We were fortunate to have the support of our Montana Congressman and Senators,” said Captain John Bedford of the Billings Police Department. “The top reasons for going with the ICOP system include the outstanding quality of the video, as compared to the old VHS systems, the security of having all our data stored in a central database and the ability with the ICOP solution to do pre-event recording,” he stated.
“With litigation clogging the court system and using up valuable resources, the new system has very effectively helped to diffuse not guilty pleas and cut down on court time,” said Bedford. “Combined with the outstanding support we receive from ICOP this provides us with a very effective tool for our agency.”
With an estimated 103,994 population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Billings operates the largest city police force in Montana, with 143 sworn officers and nine police beats. The officers patrol within the city limits which is approximately 41 square miles (urban with some rural). The Billings Police Department utilizes a central dispatch for police, fire, sheriff, and ambulance.
About ICOP Digital, Inc.
ICOP Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICOP) is a leading provider of in-car video and mobile video solutions for Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Military, and Transportation markets, worldwide. ICOP solutions help the public and private sectors mitigate risks, reduce losses, and improve security through the live streaming, capture and secure management of high quality video and audio. www.ICOP.com