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2-hour Pa. police standoff ends with one arrested

An officer with the Koppel Police Department was able to call the suspect and eventually talked him into surrendering

By Kirstin Kennedy
Beaver County Times

NEW GALILEE, Pa. — A borough man was taken into custody Thursday morning after a nearly 2 1/2-hour standoff with police.

According to online court records, three unrelated warrants in Beaver County had been issued for Christopher Little, 25, since February. One bench warrant was related to a simple assault conviction, and two were for pending charges of 16 counts of reckless endangerment, a felony count of fleeing, resisting arrest and traffic violations.

The Beaver County Sheriff’s Department received information that Little was at his listed residence, 902 Washington Ave., Apartment 2, making threats with a firearm at some point on Wednesday night, Chief Deputy Jay Alstadt said. Deputies approached the house about 10 a.m. Thursday, and Little barricaded himself in the second-floor apartment, Alstadt said.

Several nearby police departments, along with the sheriff’s office, surrounded the home, Alstadt said. The Beaver County Emergency Services Unit was notified of the standoff, but was not on scene.

An officer with the Koppel Police Department was able to call Little and eventually talked him into surrendering about 12:30 p.m., Alstadt said. Later in the day, he was taken to the Beaver County Jail after failing to post $2,500 bond.

Three additional people were taken out of the house, but only Little was arrested. According to Alstadt, the three other people were removed only for police to take down their information and anything else they could learn about Little.

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