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Mike Williams 03.17.06 local cop news

South Carolina: Rock Hill police officer receives national honor. (Congratulations to Officer Greene). Photos of his incident above and NO, they were not shooting arrows at him. Injuries to face from flying debris.

Florida: Daytona Beach SWAT Officer Shot In Shoulder.

Florida: A bill working its way through the state Legislature would drastically change the way Taser guns can be used by law enforcement in Georgia.

Ohio: Chief gives patrolman who shot fellow cop time off. Incident under investigation.

Georgia: The Gwinnett County police SWAT team partnered with the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Department in a training exercise Wednesday at the Buford Dam.

New York: The ‘A’ Team. Area special officers training at River Ridge. Regional teams are a good idea. Good start, now just keep training together regularly to keep that familiarity which is so critical when the compost hits the revolving fan blade. As our Tactical Surgeon Dr. David Ciraulo so poignantly pointed out after being inside his first house full of tear gas and a suspect who had just been shot “This #&%$@ is different when it’s real isn’t it??? So many “teams” (small t) find that out the hard way. Just wearing the fancy tactical gear and cool weapons with high CDI factor (chicks dig it) does not make you a Team (Bit T) nor does it prepare you for deadly force encounters with a suspect who is not impressed with all your toys and is not afraid of you. Ok, I’m finished preaching for now.

Canada: Probe launched into fatal RCMP shooting of unarmed man.

Mike Williams is the Assistant Chief of the Chattanooga TN police department and a 33 year law enforcement veteran. He was a SWAT officer for more than 25 years and teaches Tactical Team Commanders Courses for Team One Network Asst. Chief Williams is a member of the IALEFI Board of Directors ( ) and is chairman of the editorial committee. He also produces the daily Police Related News electronic newsletter which goes out to over 2,000 police officers in the US, Canada, Australia and South Africa on a daily basis and the weekly IALEFI newsletter.