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Officer-Involved Shootings

The Officer-Involved Shootings topic page provides news about cops in deadly confrontations, as well as tactical tips and columnists’ perspective on how to handle such situations.

In Naji v. Dearborn, the court affirmed an officer’s qualified immunity for shooting a suspect who pointed a gun at him
Shooting to wound might seem like a humane option, but this article explains why it’s not viable based on science, law, and tactics
Jared Reston’s (a cop who’s ‘been there’ repeatedly) 10 fundamentals to help any cop win a gunfight
Former Las Cruces police officer Brad Lunsford shot the man in the head after the man put his hands on a second officer’s TASER
North Las Vegas Police Officer Jason Roscow was hit multiple times before firing 16 rounds, striking the suspect who also died in the shootout
Former deputy Sean Grayson has been charged with murder after firing three shots, striking Massey when she removed a pot of boiling water from the stove
As the St. Clair Township officer and the suspect, who was reported to be suicidal, exchanged gunfire, a stray bullet fatally struck a child in a dentist’s office
“From the moment [Officer Tyler Hawes] could speak in the hospital, he made one thing clear — he was coming back to serve Fargo,” the police department posted
The man pointed a gun at two different officers before he was shot and taken into custody; he has been charged with attempted murder
Fort Worth dispatchers and officers tried to persuade the man to surrender peacefully and used less leathal measures to try to disarm him before the shooting occurred
After an officer warned that the suspect was attempting to get control of his firearm, another officer fired multiple shots, fatally wounding the suspect
"[Officer Jason Roscow’s] sacrifice will never be forgotten and his legacy of service and bravery will continue to inspire us all,” the North Las Vegas Police Department stated
The North Las Vegas PD officer was able to return fire after being shot multiple times, fatally shooting the suspect
“K-9 Preacher was more than just a working dog — he was a dedicated partner, a protector and a hero,” Maine State Police Colonel Ross stated
The Rock Island County state’s attorney ruled that Officer Brett Taylor’s use of force was “objectively reasonable” as the suspect used the vehicle as a deadly weapon
Video from the incident shows the man yelling and acting erratically before shooting at officers with an air rifle and air pistol
The victims warned LAPD officers that the suspect had a gun; the officers fired at the suspect when he attempted to pick up the weapon and stand up from the ground
Officers attempted to subdue the suspect with TASERS and bean bag rounds; Boise Police Officer Connor Rush said the stabbing of his K-9 partner was “painful to see”
The Detroit officers fired shots into the vehicle, wounding the suspects; the suspect then drove the car forward, striking and dragging officer
Las Vegas Metro officer Cesar Ibarra physically stopped a man from assaulting a woman before he was attacked himself; the officer and his wife both shot the attacker
Former LaSalle officer Erik Hernandez will be sentenced up to six years in April after entering a plea deal in the 2023 shooting case
“You don’t have authority to tell me to get on the ground,” the man said as he ran backward toward the Salt Lake City cruiser and bystander vehicle
Taylor County Sheriff’s Office deputies stopped the man for driving 30 mph over the speed limit; after refusing numerous instructions, he charged them with a knife
The driver was fatally shot when he was seen reaching for what Tampa, Fla. officers believed was a weapon after a pursuit; three officers were injured during the incident
St. Clair Township Police Detective Dakota Wetzel was able to open his eyes and give his family a thumbs up; the 4-year-old girl was killed by a stray bullet
After shooting a person from behind, the suspect got into a vehicle and led officers on a pursuit; when the car was disabled, he opened the door and pointed a gun at officers
Auburn Police Officer Jeffrey Nelson said the man was grabbing for his gun; jurors determined that video showed he was on the ground and looking away when the shots were fired
Officers attempted to use a TASER, which was ineffective; they fired shots as the suspect continued to advance toward them with the knife
Seven San Antonio police officers were shot while responding to a “suicide in progress” call and the suspect was later found dead after a standoff, Chief Bill McManus said