By Kelly Adams, staff writer
The Columbian
A Hazel Dell man called the Clark County Sheriff’s Office on Monday night to report a drug deal but didn’t seem concerned that he represented half of the transaction.
Jerry Havens, 51, called deputies to the Star House restaurant, 10604 N.E. Highway 99, about 6 p.m. after buying methamphetamine from a woman he said was his son’s girlfriend, said Sgt. Tim Bieber. Havens said he wanted to make a citizen’s arrest.
An employee at the restaurant told deputies she had seen a woman come into the restaurant, sit next to Havens and exchange something under the counter with him, according to Bieber. A short time later, the woman left and Havens called the police.
Deputies found Havens waiting for them, but not the woman who allegedly sold him the small amount of drugs, Bieber said. Havens claimed he had purchased the meth to prove she was selling drugs.
Admits purchase
Bieber said that when questioned, Havens admitted he knew it was illegal to purchase drugs, but said, “I want to execute my rights to save paperwork.”
Although he claimed the woman who sold him the drugs was his son’s girlfriend, he did not know her address.
Bieber said a records check revealed Havens had a district court warrant out of Kent and was arrested for both the warrant and on suspicion of possession of methamphetamine.
He remained in the Clark County Jail on Wednesday afternoon.
Copyright 2006 The Columbian Publishing Co.