Aryan Brotherhood Makes Death Threats to Law Enforcement Officers, Ordered Hits
According to the Los Angeles Division of the ATF, there is a credible threat to Law Enforcement officers in California and possibly the Western states ... Full Story (Secure - Log-in Required)
Mexican Drug Lords Target U.S. Agents
In a new sign that drug-gang violence targeting Mexican law enforcement is bleeding across the border, Mexican drug gangs are now offering a bounty for killing U.S. border agents and state and local law enforcers ... Full Story
MP-13 Gang Plots to Ambush Maryland Cops
Police officials in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties are warning officers that members of MS-13 gang are plotting to ambush and kill them when they respond to service calls ... Full Story (Secure - Log-in Required)
2 Persons Arrested in Ark. Over ‘Hit List'; 2 Officers, Judge on List
Police officials in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties are warning officers that members of MS-13 gang are plotting to ambush and kill them when they respond to service calls... Full Story