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IACP 2012 video interview: NICE Systems

Solutions like these can streamline and simplify the way information is leveraged for the benefit of public safety

Editor’s Note: Many thanks to our friends at TASER International for equipping me with the TASER AXON Flex body-worn video camera and digital evidence management solution for secure video storage and retrieval.

During IACP 2012 in San Diego, I had the opportunity to meet with Diamond Chaflawee, Director of Marketing, Public Safety for NICE, a global technology provider with information management solutions for financial services, utilities, transportation, health care and other, similarly-massive enterprises.

The company also has a very serious offering for the public safety sector that enables municipalities to optimize resources, reduce response times, and seamlessly integrate myriad disparate systems such as video surveillance systems, department of transportation information, and public utilities.

There is an awful lot of complexity to this, but to put it simply, it gives the operator at the control center as complete a picture of what’s happening in that city at all times, enabling call/dispatch centers to maximize operational efficiency and deliver higher-quality service to citizens.

We’ve long since been thrust into the information age, with the unintended consequence of being so flooded with information that it actually overwhelms us at times (paralysis by analysis).

Solutions like those available from NICE can streamline and simplify the way in which that information is leveraged for the benefit of public safety.

Check out the video below.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.