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SWAT Gear Trunk Storage

If you are a member of SWAT odds are your take home unit trunk is full of gear. If you are concerned about your gear getting to the streets try this. Take a small section of chain or cable and secure it to the inside floor of your trunk. Take the other end of chain and pad lock it to the trunk lid. Let the section of chain be long enough so the trunk lid can raise just enough for your hands to reach inside and unlock the padlock. This leaves only a small crack for someone to try to remove your gear through. Also disable your trunk pop button on your dash. Of course this isn’t fool proof but unless someone happens to have bolt cutters on them it can deter them when they can’t open your trunk lid more than a few inches. I make it a habit to unlock my cable in the mornings before going in service for quick acess to my gear during the day and secure the cable at night. I remove my weapons at home but by using the short cable I feel more comfortable leaving all other gear in my trunk