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If Your Current Duty Belt Hurts, Try The New Model 7955 Ergotek Duty Belt From Bianchi

For Immediate Release

TEMECULA CA; JANUARY 2003 - Bianchi International introduces a new addition to their popular line of lightweight ErgoTekTM duty belts, in response to numerous requests from officers in the field. The Model 7955 ErgoTekTM Duty Belt features its own ergonomic design Bianchi’s exclusive Tri-Release buckle and AccuMold® EliteTM construction . The result is an amazing new belt combination that is lightweight, extremely comfortable, easy to use and maintain, yet has the professional look and function required by agencies today.

Comfort is the key to Bianchi’s ErgoTekTM Belt via the unique, ergonomic pillow lining that help redistribute the weight of the duty rig away from the edges of the belt, effectively spreading it over the large padded surface area of the ErgoTekTM pads. The simple result is greater officer comfort. “We have received many rave reviews from officers in the field reporting relief from belt related pain and discomfort when they wear our ErgoTekTM Belts,” stated Mike Shire, Vice President Sales and Marketing. “With the weight of today’s duty rigs officers are looking for all the relief they can get and ErgoTekTM offers a great solution to a real problem.”

The Model 7955 ErgoTekTM Duty Belt is made of Bianchi’s exclusive lightweight, AccuMold® EliteTM, and finished with DuraSkinTM synthetic leather. Available in plain or basketweave, sizes 26" through 50"; MSRP $69.00. Patent Pending. Lined with Velcro® loop for use with the Bianchi 7205 Liner Belt.

Established in 1958, Bianchi International is recognized worldwide as one of the largest, leading designers and manufacturers of leather and nylon holsters and accessories for law enforcement, sports enthusiasts and the military. For additional information, contact Bianchi International, P.O. Box 9015, Temecula, CA 92589-9015, call (800) 477-8545 or (909) 676-5621, or fax (800) 283-2936 or (909) 676-6777; or visit Bianchi International at

Bianchi International