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Editorial: NYPD boycott of Glock?

Bloomberg call wants President Obama “to fix our gun laws and shore up our background-check system”

Editors Note: This is a New York Post editorial and does not necessarily reflect any opinions held by PoliceOne.

The New York Post

NEW YORK — Mayor Bloomberg yesterday called a City Hall meeting of the anti-gun group he funds to talk about doing something about illegal guns.

Bloomberg called on President Obama to pledge in the State of the Union address tonight “to fix our gun laws and shore up our background-check system.”

But what about actually doing something about the problem - like ordering an NYPD boycott of Glock until the manufacturer ends civilian sale of high-capacity handgun magazines of the sort used in Tucson two weeks ago?

Nothing doing.

“The police commissioner and I both feel it is a non-practical way to effect change and all it would do is increase sales of whatever kind of gun [we don’t want bought],” Bloomberg said. “It just would be so counter-productive.”

Bloomberg put up more than $3 million to help found and operate Mayors Against Illegal Guns; the organization shares floor space with the Michael R. Bloomberg Family Foundation Trust.

No surprise, then, that it can produce support for the mayor’s message.

But talk is cheap - even $3 million worth of talk.

It’s action that’s hard.

Too hard for Bloomberg, anyway.

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