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Patrol Issues

The Patrol Issues topic page offers news, commentary, analysis, and tactical tips that will help prepare police officers for life on the thin blue line.

We should be doing more to harness the wisdom of street cops and what they learn from every shift
Courage is not taking action in the absence of fear, but taking action in spite of fear
Though common and relatively simple to learn and use, tactical performance imagery can become most effective when certain approaches are utilized
Matt Walsh discusses how the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is using data collection, peer-driven support programs and trauma therapy to save lives in the law enforcement community
Axon’s Thi Luu and Andy Wrenn explain how portable virtual reality training pods and realistic scenarios can improve officer performance, safety and community engagement
Do your perceived skills and abilities match reality?
The award winners will be recognized during Police Weekend, showcasing efforts from traffic safety to comprehensive wellness initiatives
Officer mental health is significantly impacted by the ongoing stressors experienced every day on the job – which is in part a physiological experience
The agency provides resources for officers’ physical, mental, financial and spiritual health — and recently received the Destination Zero Award for its comprehensive program
If you’re inexperienced in the courtroom, you need to read this.
With the rise in both internal and external threats, the traditional methods of weapon storage and management are becoming obsolete
Inconsistent schedules, long shifts and lack of personal time are pushing officers to the limit, impacting wellness and performance
Explore how emotional intelligence gives officers the tools to manage high-pressure situations, improve communication, and foster leadership rooted in empathy and resilience
Dive into the capabilities of Draft One, its potential impact on officer efficiency and morale, and the future possibilities for this technology in policing
Whether it’s fitness, hobbies or spending time with non-LE friends, finding balance is key to staying sharp both on and off duty
The goal is to stop the bleeding by filling the wound channel with gauze, creating a compact barrier to control blood flow
Quit “proceeded to the vicinity of” and just say where the hell you went
The threat to officer safety posed by sovereign citizens is well known. Here’s how to be safe and professional during an encounter
Oracle’s chair and CTO Larry Ellison recently predicted that “every police officer is going to be supervised at all times,” raising questions about balancing enhanced accountability with privacy concerns
Remember to prepare for the conditions you might find yourself outside in for several hours
Learn how the Humane Society’s specialized training helps police investigate animal abuse and fighting rings
Two experts reveal how drones are becoming critical in policing, enhancing real-time response and reshaping future operations
Revolutionizing officer performance with neuroscience, virtual simulation and real-time biofeedback technology

Exposure to the cold can kill us as fast as any bad guy
When officers had no designated impact tool, necessity inspired officers to use firearms, radios, or flashlights to avoid the use of deadly force
Policing looks different when the guy you arrested at the bar fight last Friday asks if you need help today
Maintaining your situational awareness will provide good judgment, clear analysis, and proper decisions as you face the tactical challenges of a barricaded gunmen
The “3 Cs” can increase the chances of successful decision-making and scene management during these complex incidents
Duty Gear
A decade after its launch, the Maxx-Dri Vest, created by police officer Suresh Madhavan, continues to improve officer safety and comfort with its latest upgrade, the Maxx-Dri 5.0