This certification course has been integrated within progressive law enforcement & military training units. It is a must for all tactical operators & trainers.
S.P.E.A.R.: “Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response” is a groundbreaking system that teaches officers & operators to convert the startle/flinch reaction into a tactical response. The system deals directly with extreme close quarter attacks; addresses surprise attacks as well as “sudden” resistance during “arrest & control” moments. The program also teaches LEO’s to dis-engage to transition to O/C, baton or firearm or engage with CQC skills. This 5-day course will cover SPEAR SYSTEM DT & combative drills and deals specifically with extreme close quarter confidence. It therefore applies to everyone in law enforcement from trainers, to UC, SWAT, Corrections and so on.
*For a detailed description on SPEAR SYSTEM research visit Mr. Blauer’s website: www.blauertactical.com
Toronto, Ontario, Canada REGION
The York Regional Police Department will be hosting a 5-day, 40 hr. S.P.E.A.R SYSTEM: Instructor Certification class, November 21-25, 2005 from 8:00am-4:00pm daily.
The Columbus Police Department will be hosting a 5-day, 40 hr. S.P.E.A.R SYSTEM: Custom CQB class, November 28-December 2, 2005 from 8:00am-4:00pm daily.
S.P.E.A.R. Instructor Training Program (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response)
Who Should Attend Law enforcement officers or other justice professionals who wish to learn to develop and instruct a 3-Dimensional approach to DT/combative training. This course will help the prospective instructor enhance the confidence of trainees in dynamic confrontational situations, designed around extremely violent encounters.
Course Goal To give the prospective instructor the requisite skills needed to instruct the S.P.E.A.R. System, which is a unique process that aids in converting instinctive survival flinches and reactions into effective protective tactics. The course will provide strategies and techniques needed to instruct justice personnel how to detect, respond to, and control a sudden and violent physical attack within a confined space.
Course Objectives The student will be able to:
- Outline the theory of Presumed Compliance.
- Demonstrate the flinch response to an attack.
- Discuss how the 97/3 Rule applies to officer safety.
- Demonstrate revolving door drills with weapons.
- Demonstrate how to stop tackles with S.P.E.A.R.
- Demonstrate techniques for close quarter fights.
- Demonstrate counters to haymaker punches and knee strikes, both standing and ground attacks.
- Describe the problems associated with responding to a sudden close quarter attack.
- Identify various verbal and non-verbal cues that lead to a physical attack.
- Demonstrate weapon retention drills.
- Demonstrate S.P.E.A.R. techniques while “in stride”.
- Demonstrate numerous S.P.E.A.R. technique drills for skill enhancement.
This course employs lecture, discussion, and practical exercises.
Special Concerns
Students should bring duty gear with standard attached equipment. No functional firearms, ammunition, or OC aerosol will be permitted in the training area. Students should also bring comfortable clothing and proper footwear for practical skills training. *Optional: Students can bring a mouthpiece and groin protection.
NOTE: Cost per student is $695. Payment can be made by credit card (MC or Visa) Purchase Order can be faxed to 514-488-1698 or check sent to Blauer Tactical Systems, 6900 Decarle Blvd., Suite 3010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3X 2T8. Please contact Marc Joseph marc@blauertactical.com for registration form (or go on line to COURSES at www.blauertactical.com. You may also call 1-877-773-2748 with any questions on registration or payment.
Length of Course
40 hours
Course Instructor/s
Tony Blauer, President
Tier 1 Trainers: Sean Mulligan, Thunder Bay PD
John Goodman, HighPoint PD
Joe Framke, Osh Kosh PD
Jeff Engelbrecht, GreenBay PD
Antonio Torres, Virginia Beach PD (ret)
*There are times when unpredictable events like weather, emergency training sessions and other conflicts may affect who are the primary instructors. However it is always guaranteed to be one of Blauer Tactical Systems Tier 1 trainers.
For more details or to register, email Marc Joseph at Blauer Tactical Systems at marc@blauertactical.com
For more information on Blauer Tactical Confrontation Management Systems, visit them online at www.blauertactical.com