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Barry A. Reynolds, MSM

Leadership, Management, and Policing

Barry Reynolds is an author, speaker and public safety consultant specializing in police policy and leadership issues. He is the former founder and director of The Center for Excellence in Public Safety Leadership, and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. In addition to 31 years of experience as a law enforcement officer and supervisor, Barry also served with the Wisconsin Department of Justice as the Senior Training Officer for career development and leadership. He is a columnist on law enforcement management and leadership issues, and regular presenter at state and national conferences. Barry holds a degree in Business, and a Master of Science in Management.

MBO has failed in police organizations due to a focus on performance measure as the outcomes of the process, ignoring the fact that the inputs are the most valuable piece of the MBO puzzle
Among the key outcomes of effective leadership is the empowerment we provide to others, coupled with the motivation that comes from a sense of shared vision
Creating a culture of change is about developing a shared sensed of destiny — and enrolling others in those efforts — so they see their interests as being aligned with the organization