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Chief Ronald Haddad

Chief Ronald Haddad served the community for 48 years, 34 years with the Detroit Police Department and 14 years as Chief in Dearborn, Michigan. A hallmark of his career included a strong partnership with all segments of stakeholders at the federal, state, county and local levels.

In Detroit, after holding several leadership positions, Haddad was promoted to Deputy Chief-Executive Duty Officer and appointed as the first Homeland Security Coordinator post-9/11 under the Bush administration. Haddad served on several Homeland Security Task Forces, including the Faith-Based Security Advisory Council. Furthermore, Haddad was commissioned by the International Association of Chiefs of Police to serve on the Bias-Free Training for Police Executives and the Civil and Human Rights committees.

In 2020, Haddad was appointed by Dearborn Mayor John B. O’Reilly, Jr. to head up a regional response to COVID-19.

Chief Haddad was the recipient of the prestigious 2011 Governing Public Official of the Year and was also recognized by the National Law Enforcement Museum in 2021 for his contributions to the evolution of American law enforcement post-9/11.

The need to renew and enhance trust and respect between stakeholders and law enforcement partners has never been greater