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Review: The new G-Shock Mudmaster GG1000-1A5 passes the test

Combining rugged design and powerful features in a single package, the Mudmaster GG1000-1A5 is one tough watch


The G-Shock Mudmaster GG1000-1A5

Image/Sean Curtis

Sponsored by G-Shock

By Sean Curtis for Police1 BrandFocus

G-Shock has a new winner in the stables, chomping at the bit to get out of the starting gate. The tan colored Mudmaster GG1000-1A5 is a dual-sensor (compass and thermometer) watch with outstanding features that totally fit the active person’s lifestyle. G-Shock sent me one to try out and I challenged it during the summer months when my activity levels are at a frenetic pace. Because all its features, the G-Shock GG1000-1A5 makes the term “timepiece” seem antiquated.


In Colorado, we work furiously to enjoy the few warm summer months. Imagine the squirrel feverishly packing away nuts and you’ll have an idea. I spent time at the swimming pool, shooting at the range, and also attended a plant survival class up in the mountains. I found the G-Shock GG1000-1A5 had many features that elevated it beyond a normal watch’s value… it could do things I put to use in the field. In addition, it’s tough. I wish companies made all wearable technology like this, it’s the type of quality many people are willing to pay for.


From the unboxing, I could tell the G-Shock GG1000-1A5 was a little larger in diameter than other G- Shocks I’ve used. At roughly 56 x 55 millimeters, the combination of the digital face with analog dials spoke of a utilitarian confidence. To me its size subtly said “Trust me, I’ll get you out of trouble”. I’ve seen some watches that were so large they served as a flag for the wearer, warning of something missing from their lives. The G-Shock GG1000-1A5 was serviceable but not ridiculous. The size helps the user identify all the important information the watch relays.

The outside bezel is marked with 360-degree hashes, allowing the user the ability to accurately interpret compass azimuths and make adjustments accordingly. While I am used to the overall black face of the G-Shock, the tan colored ban was a refreshing switch up for me. I found I liked it, and it unexpectedly matched up well with a lot of my gear.

The face, portrayed the important information I seem to require in my daily activities every hour or so. The analog hands gave me my time at a quick glance. The digital panels revealed date and day. I know this seems silly, but I do forget what day it is sometimes and the watch easily saves me from this minor embarrassment. Date? Forget about it. Unless it’s an anniversary or birthday, I probably am not keeping up with the date. I may not always have my cell phone right within my reach, but I always have my watch on. The G-Shock GG1000-1A5 kept me from seeming like some crazed time traveler, “What YEAR is it?”

In the bottom-right quadrant of the watch between the three and six is a small, circular, dial, with a gear shaped indicator within. The outside of the dial is marked with mode designators like “TMR” for timer, “ALM” for alarm and so forth. When you hit the mode button, the gear turns its orange arrow to indicate which mode it is in. I cannot rightly express why, but I love this feature! It reminds me of some of my favorite pinball games, seamlessly blending the analog and the digital, while providing crucial information. The watch is a handsome piece, similar in function to an executive brief.


Alas, I am not gentle on my equipment. I care for it, but I expect it to work as hard (if not harder) than I do. My aquatic experiences testing the newer multi-gasketed, sleeved, guards which insure no intrusion near the buttons were fun. I’d love to tell you I placed the charge on the enemy vessel, activated the timer, then swam away like a special forces saboteur. The reality was, it was finally time to leave the public pool and while children may argue with a parent about how much time has elapsed, the G-Shock GG1000-1A5 is an unerring, unassailable, source. The countdown timer (ten minutes if you please) was great. Activated underwater, when the alarm went off, the children gathered their masks and water wings without protest.

During a range day I faced heat, barriers, and recoil from multiple calibers without any complaints from the G-Shock GG1000-1A5. I was even able to enjoy a couple full-auto mag dumps without having any type of problems with the watch. I think we sometimes take the hardiness of these G-Shock watches for granted. I found the buttons shouldered enough to be protected from most accidental button pushing. This may seem minor but I’ve had some strange experience where world time was activated accidentally with other watches making me wonder where time had gone. G-Shock thought of this.

Finally, a four-day class on survival plants offered a multi-tiered challenge. While seeking out glacier lilies in the mountains, I used the compass to set a course. By pressing the “COMP” button, the second hand turned on the dial to indicate north (with magnetically corrected declination). I was able to set my bearing accordingly. The variance between 12,000 feet and 6,500 is significant, sometimes as much as 20 degrees. With the thermometer (more accurate off the wrist) I was able to keep track of this detail. In addition, the 1A5 clung to my wrist, ignoring mud as I dug forearm-deep around edible cattail roots and did not falter. Nor did the watch protest during subsequent hosings off, again, making me wish all electrics could be made to this standard.


The G-Shock Mudmaster GG1000-1A5 is another solid performer in a proud line known for durability and precision. I cannot think of a scenario I would enter into where I would panic after remembering I had not first taken off my watch, then remove it. It’s just that tough. You can bang it around, get it muddy, submerge it, and it will still tell you how to get somewhere, then tell you what the temperature is when you arrive.

About the author

Sean Curtis is a law enforcement professional with nearly two decades of experience, serving with SWAT, diving and swift water rescue teams in Colorado. He has also served in wildland fire, search and rescue, EMS and emergency management.