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How to buy mobile computers (eBook)

Download this Police1 mobile computers buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


Whether you work a desk job, are in a patrol car, at an investigation site, or in a mobile command post, you want your workspace to be functional. Especially when you have limited space for mobility, storage, or layout, everything in your “office” needs to serve a purpose, increase productivity, and improve performance.

Computers have become essential in every patrol unit, supervisor car, and community response vehicle. Long gone are the 10-inch displays with green text and a half-size keyboard. Today’s technology promotes adaptability, versatility, and functionality. With laptops featuring touch-screen displays, tablets with integrated camera components, and even smartphones with location tracking abilities, today’s law enforcement technology is far beyond what it was when many started their careers.

So, where do you start? What should you look for in terms of functionality? Which advances are not only nice to have but truly essential?

Being in the decision-maker seat can be daunting. A criminal justice degree doesn’t typically prepare you to talk about computer hardware, but you are well aware of time-on-task functions and workforce productivity. This Police1 guide to buying mobile computers is a starting point for the several months-long procurement process.

Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before purchasing mobile computers, ensuring you understand your department’s specific needs and the capabilities of different devices.
  • Top implementation strategies, helping you integrate mobile computers effectively into your operations.
  • Essential questions to ask vendors, enabling you to gather all necessary information for informed purchasing decisions.

Download your free copy of the comprehensive “How to Buy Mobile Computers” guide from Police1 by filling out the form today.