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Ohio chief lauded for firing back at Kanye West

Brimfield Township Police Chief David Oliver took to Facebook to challenge the rapper after he compare his job to policing

The Akron Beacon Journal

BRIMFIELD, Ohio — Folks in Northeast Ohio have known Brimfield Township Police Chief David Oliver as the self-proclaimed “Internet Sensation.”

This week, the nation is learning it, too, as the gregarious, small-town chief landed on, a popular entertainment website.

Oliver, who runs his department’s Facebook page — which now has more than 100,000 fans — took a jab this week at comments musician Kanye West made.

The chief took West to task for comparing his entertainment work to that of a cop.

“I’m putting my life at risk ... This is like being a police officer or something,” West said.

Oliver raced to Facebook and fired back with his usual brand of sarcastic humor.

“You, sir, are as misguided as they come. I do have a suggestion for you. Since you are accustomed to danger, from your life as an international rapper, I am strongly encouraging you immediately abandon you career as a superstar and join the military.

“After joining, I would like you to volunteer to be deployed in Afghanistan or one of the numerous other forward locations where our men and women are currently serving. When the Taliban starts shooting at you, perhaps you could stand up and let the words flow.

“It could be something like ‘I’m Kanye West, wearing a flak vest.’ I’m sure they would just drop weapons and surrender. You could quite possibly end all wars, just from the enemy being star-struck.”

Brimfield’s Facebook popularity rivals New York City and Chicago police departments for “likes.”

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