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Popular officer forced to stop ‘tweeting’

An officer with a growing fan base was asked to step down from managing department’s Twitter page

By Police1 Staff

RADCLIFFE, United Kingdom — An officer who became a cult hit for his bizarre and humorous tweets has stepped down from his duties after a meeting with bosses.

PC Andy Hall, 38, was asked to regularly post messages under the Greater Manchester Police’s Twitter page for the district of Radcliffe – which Hall nicknamed “Radders” — to encourage more locals to report crime.

But he quickly grew up an even greater fan base, regularly posting song lyrics, commenting on popular TV shows, and writing gags about former pop stars, according to the Daily Mail.

Senior officers stepped in when the joking comments continued after two suspects were killed in a fatal police pursuit, and handed the tweeting duties to Hall’s colleagues.

Some of PC Hall’s most memorable tweets from the beat:

‘Little darling, here comes the sun & I say it’s alright...Goodmorning R’cliffe. How are we? It’s sunny but cold out. You might need a vest!”

“Wake up Radders!If I’m up, you’re up! Have 5 more mins then.It’s too cold to get up.I had to use my Wham cd to scrape ice off my windscreen!”

“Are we human or are we dancer? Classic Killers! Morning Radders. How are we? It’s Monday. It’s cold & wet but at least we’ve got each other.”

“Right Radders I’m done for the day. I came in the fog. I leave in the sun. I’m back at 8am. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast!”