Crime Scene Investigator Would Like To Turn Pro
By Rick Alonzo, The Dallas Morning News
Crime scene investigator by day, boxer by night. Kornelija Numic probably leads one of the more interesting lives among the competitors in the Dallas Golden Gloves. Numic won her bout against Victoria Munoz on Wednesday night at Gilley’s Dallas in the female open 125-pound class.
She’d like to become a professional boxer, but if that doesn’t work out, she already has a career. For the last three years, Numic, 27, has been a Dallas County crime scene investigator.
Numic said the majority of her cases involve traffic fatalities and homicides. She said she can handle the cases involving adult victims. Child victims, however, make her job especially tough and heart wrenching. “I go to church a lot, so that helps,” Numic said of relieving the stress and anxiety. “And boxing helps, too.”
When she arrives at a crime scene, she said her responsibilities include securing the area and taking care of the evidence.