IRVINGTON, N.J. — Four New Jersey police officers were charged with misconduct over a rap video peppered with allegedly insensitive words, officials in Irvington said.
Police Director Joseph Santiago said the officers were accused of conduct unbecoming a police officer and could lose their jobs.
One of the four performers, Officer Maurice Gattison, told The (Newark, N.J.) Star-Ledger the videos had not been intended to be offensive and there was nothing in his work record that warranted his termination. “My career is impeccable,” said Gattison. “I do my job.”
“Anyone who thinks I should be fired is an idiot,” he added.
But at least one city council member said Gattison’s use of a slur against homosexuals compromised his ability to be an effective police officer.
“If that was some white police officers rapping about the N-word we wouldn’t be having this discussion,” said Councilman Davidere Lyons. “And if you’ve got police officers who do that kind of rapping and then they come up on some gay people, what do you think a gay person is going to think?”
Lyons told The Star-Ledger there should be an independent investigation of Gattison and his co-stars because he was not convinced Santiago could be an impartial judge.
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