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Photo: Cop walks away after cruiser ends up under 18-wheeler

“By the grace of God,” a city spokeswoman said of forces that allowed the officer to walk away from the crash

By Jane Musgrave
The Palm Beach Post, Fla.

RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. — A city police officer escaped with minor injuries when his cruiser went under an 18-wheeler early Sunday.

“By the grace of God,” Riviera Beach spokeswoman Rose Anne Brown said of forces that allowed the officer to walk away from the crash that involved a U.S. Postal Service tractor-trailer. A photo taken by WPEC-Channel 12 shows the cruiser completely under the truck with its roof collapsed.[0]=68.ARDTmzBOEuba5W_-YxraNy0snnXXI74lAMGyXW_2tL5_cDTpKMOa-ihIzJ-9cuNtbSia9S6-AFnmejSudS-WbmKwoy0Go4WDJs55AbKtaEyHM0eMc8auy3kZXTu0lL-z1SdyO2Iu7wXEKhz6jHNu939NDgMtyIeqe6VgXUPj-bBB2NJniiQc4TkYxuhh40Xr8dutW3ZJrz0b1_rtG7YUiURDgybi87-qclDpNerMBgFpQQDRrlG2rEgQRp8jTdgq87NSXOIFNGFxlJi8Xc9L4DC4SRsAMkgjOx7pB2ghJtMq5TozkhGoZD_94PMksZRBO05l-Rdt8wK_Ws-lxsnxiVDANF0yjw&__tn__=-R

The crash occurred in front of the post office at 1905 Congress Avenue. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the cause of the accident because a Riviera officer was involved, Brown said. Sheriff’s officials weren’t immediately available.

While Brown said she didn’t know the officer’s name, she said she was told that he walked away from the crash. He was taken to the hospital for treatment of “what were believed to be minor injuries,” she said.


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