Ocean Systems announces the release of DVR dCoder™ v2.5.1, the latest addition to its suite of forensic video, image and audio clarification tools. With this release of DVR dCoder, Ocean Systems has improved the workflow for processing CCTV DVR digital video evidence by adding two new output options - direct TIFF export and adjustable video playback frame rates.
“Workflow and accuracy are key”, says Charles Guarino, Director of Marketing. With this new release of DVR dCoder, an analyst looking for a clean image of a license plate, or other still image evidence, can capture the DVR video and directly export TIFF images for further processing in a still image processing environment such as Adobe Photoshop®, with Ocean Systems ClearID® Image Clarification Filters.
Since video is really a series of still images, it can be processed in either format - as a single video file or a series of single uncompressed TIFF images. With Ocean Systems dTective powered by Avid Systems and Ocean Systems ClearID for Adobe Photoshop, you have the tools and the streamlined workflow to effectively and efficiently work with analog and digital video evidence in either format, depending on your needs.
Ocean Systems is also pre-announcing a new release of its image clarification suite, ClearID v2.0 Workflow for Adobe Photoshop. ClearID v2.0 will greatly increase your processing power by providing you a expanded set of image clarification filters that are accessible from a new master workflow menu. The new ClearID workflow in version 2.0 guides you through an image clarification process that is consistent with the best practices guidelines as taught by LEVA. ClearID v2.0 is expected to ship early May, 2008.
Learn More About The New Multimedia Evidence Clarification Workflows
A Trusted Solution from a Trusted Company The first version of dTective was released in 1999. Now dTective is the forensic video clarification platform of choice of over 1,000 law enforcement professionals in the US and around the world. Most recently, we were proud to announce that both the IACP and LEVA are implementing dTective forensic video analysis solutions for use in video forensics investigations and training labs.
Today, we remain committed and focused to providing you the next generation of tools that harness the power of today’s technology into easy-to-use, courtroom tested solutions. “With your continued support and valuable input, we feel we have achieved this goal again.” said Guarino.