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Wells County agencies share data with new software system

Public safety agencies look to Spillman for integrated data management

Bluffton, Ind. – Law enforcement agencies in Wells County, Ind., are using newly implemented software from Spillman Technologies to share data and help identify crime trends.

“The county’s law enforcement agencies have common offenders, and having the ability to share information between agencies will add a new dimension to the investigation and resolution of cases,” said Ossian Police Department Chief David L. Rigney.

In coordination with the Wells County Sheriff’s Office, the Bluffton, Zanesville, and Ossian police departments, and the Bluffton 911 Dispatch Center are storing their data on a single server hosted by the Wells County Sheriff’s Office. Data stored on the server can be accessed by authorized personnel at each of the agencies.

Quick access to data from around the region will help the Wells County Sheriff’s Office conduct investigations more efficiently, said Sheriff Bob Frantz.

“We were spending a lot of time trying to check out local agencies’ files on information about suspects,” Frantz said. “I suspect that Spillman is going to save us man-hours there.”

Utilizing a shared system will allow the departments to exchange information on names, criminal records, and incidents. The system also makes financial sense for the agencies, said Chief Tammy Schaffer of the Bluffton Police Department, because it spares each agency the expense of operating an individual database.

“It makes sense to pool our resources and share the cost, as well as share the information that we all need to do our job better,” Schaffer said.

Wells County is located in northeast Indiana and has a population of approximately 30,000. Wells County and its partnering agencies are among 74 agencies in Indiana and more than 800 agencies across the nation using Spillman software. The agencies went live with the system on Aug. 31.

Schaffer said Spillman’s reputation influenced their purchasing decision. Spillman has been creating reliable public safety software for more than 25 years and serves nearly 50,000 public safety professionals in 35 states nationwide.

“We purchased Spillman because we were looking at high quality records management systems. The Spillman name came up over and over,” Schaffer said.

Spillman Technologies provides a full range of integrated software solutions for public safety agencies, including Records Management, Computer-Aided Dispatch, Mobile Communications, Corrections Management, Fire/EMS Management, Resource Management, and Data Sharing.

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