By Brian Searcy, COO & President
Though TigerSwan is probably best known for our world-class instructors and the combat-focused weapons and tactics training we provide to U.S. military forces, we are extremely proud of the training we provide and the reputation we have developed within the law enforcement community.
The opening of the TigerSwan Training Collaboration Center (TSTCC) in Sept. 2010 has allowed us to expand the variety and number of courses we regularly offer and in response to numerous recommendations from law enforcement organizations; we’ve added seven law enforcement specific training courses to our offerings at TSTCC.
These courses include:
- 3-Day Street Officer Survival
- 5-Day Active Shooter Response
- 2-Day LE Basic Patrol Rifle
- 2-Day LE Advanced Patrol Rifle
- 2-Day LE Tactical Pistol
- 5-Day SWAT 1 (Basic)
We’ve added additional law enforcement trainers to our stable of world class Instructors. All of our law enforcement instructors meet the TSI instructor profile - Special Operations / SWAT background, extensive operational experience, extensive instructor experience, outstanding weapons handling skills, the ability to teach, coach and mentor students, and a passion for the safety and success of those they train.
We’ve added Instructor Development courses. These Train-the-Trainer courses develop Instructors who can return to their organizations as lead instructors and true subject matter experts.
Our Instructor Development Courses include:
- 3-Day Shoot-House Instructor
- 5-Day Patrol Rifle Instructor
- 10-Day Tactical Firearms Instructor
We’ve also added two open enrollment specialty courses; our 2-Day Strategic Communications Workshop and a 2-Day Home/Office Defense Pistol Course. Both of these courses include scenario based training.
We invite you to browse the new course offerings on our website: