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National Law Enforcement Museum salutes Chicago

November 7 event celebrates city’s law enforcement history, explains how new national museum will tell the Chicago story

PRNewswire - USNewswire

CHICAGO — The story of law enforcement in America cannot be fully told without telling the story of law enforcement in Chicago. That is why, when the first-ever National Law Enforcement Museum opens its doors in Washington, DC, in 2011, the rich history of Chicago-area law enforcement will be included.

To introduce the city’s civic, business and media communities to the Museum and the role Chicago will play in it, Museum planners are holding a “National Law Enforcement Museum Salutes Chicago” event on the evening of November 7. Co-hosted by three leading Chicagoans, the program will salute the city’s law enforcement history and showcase the National Law Enforcement Museum, a first-of-its-kind institution providing an insider’s look at the law enforcement profession and its role in protecting communities and safeguarding rights.

WHAT: National Law Enforcement Museum Salutes Chicago - introducing
Chicago to the Museum project and how Chicago-area law
enforcement will be featured.

WHO: Event hosts Alderman Edward M. Burke; Bill Kurtis, Executive
Producer, Kurtis Productions; Pat Ryan Jr., CEO, INCISENT
Technologies. Also, Craig W. Floyd, Chairman/CEO, National Law
Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

WHERE: Chicago Hilton (Boulevard Room)
720 South Michigan Avenue

WHEN: Wednesday, November 7, 2007. Reception begins at 5:30 pm.
Program follows at 6:15 pm.

NOTE: The event is invitation only; members of the news media are invited to attend.

Authorized by Congress in the year 2000, the National Law Enforcement Museum will be an architecturally inspiring, 95,000 square foot, mostly underground museum located in the nation’s capital. The privately funded Museum has launched an $80 million capital campaign, with groundbreaking scheduled for 2008 and opening in 2011.

The Museum will showcase a number of law enforcement stories from the Chicago area:

  • 1911 murder of Clarence Hiller -- first U.S. conviction based on fingerprint evidence.
  • Eliot Ness, Elmer Irey and others who investigated Al Capone and Prohibition Era gangsters (the Museum will feature a “Public Enemies Theater”).
  • Investigation of Larry Hoover and the Gangster Disciples in the early 1990s.
  • Hill Street Blues -- part of the “Reel to Real” gallery examining how media portrayals of law enforcement affect public perceptions.
  • Hall of Remembrance honoring law officers who died in the line of duty, including 470 Chicago Police officers dating back to the city’s first known officer death in 1854.

The Museum is the latest project of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the service and sacrifice of America’s law enforcement officers. The NLEOMF operates the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC, which contains the names of nearly 18,000 law officers who have died in the line of duty in the nation’s history.

For information, including a virtual tour of the Museum, visit

Source: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

Kevin Morison of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, +1-202-737-7134, +1-202-288-7029,

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