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Verbalizing Specific Threats for Tactical Advantage
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by Chuck Remsberg & “Coach” Bob Lindsey

When you need to warn fellow officers of danger, don’t yell, “Look out!” or “Watch it!” This creates a generalized startle response that may cause them to duck, throw up their hands, turn away or waste time looking around for what’s happening.

Instead shout out the specific threat you see: “GUN!”, “KNIFE!”, “FIST!”, “CHAIR!”, “STICK!” or whatever. This immediately accomplishes several important things, explains popular officer survival trainer “Coach” Bob Lindsey, a veteran of nearly 35 years with the Jefferson Parish (LA) Sheriff’s Office:

  1. It alerts others that a clear and present danger exists and primes their response
  2. It focuses their attention on the precise level of force the encounter has reached
  3. By shouting the word loudly, you deliver a verbal stun to the offender that may slow him down

Follow your alarm with a one-word command: “GUN! STOP!” “KNIFE! DOWN!” Don’t bother with full-sentence commands initially; they aren’t as likely to be heard or comprehended under stress.

Repeat your loud command at least 3 times to penetrate through the auditory blocking the suspect may be experiencing. Widen your reactionary gap and draw your appropriate weapon.

And remember, Lindsey cautions: as you gain control, you want to see not just the suspect’s hands but the PALMS of his hands. Many street gang members, including females, are adept at palming weapons such as knives so they are not readily apparent.