Roger Buhlis is a training developer for Lexipol. He has 26 years of experience in law enforcement, during which he served as a field training officer, crime scene investigator, traffic (motorcycle) enforcement and coordinator of the Problem-Based Learning Police Training Program. As a sergeant, Roger supervised patrol teams, the jail facility, the property section and the Police Training Officer Program. He spent three years as an investigator in the Professional Standards Unit (Internal Affairs). He is a graduate of the California POST Master Instructor Program and was assigned to the Napa Valley College Criminal Justice Training Center to work with Academy Class 50 as the Recruit Training Officer in 2002. He served as the adjutant to four different patrol bureau commanders, first as an officer and later, as a sergeant. Roger facilitated courses for the California POST Supervisory Leadership Institute for 10 years through 2019. He has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in adult education.