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Dave Edmonds

Armored to Withstand All

Dave Edmonds is a retired Sonoma County (CA) Sheriff’s captain and founder of 360ARMOR, a free, online, membership-based police fitness and wellness organization. His 30-year career included assignments in and leadership of patrol, violent crimes/homicide, SWAT, sexual assault, polygraph and more. He has taught police supervision, management, and leadership at the university level. Dave is interested in LEO fitness and wellness on all fronts. He invites you to join him and other like-minded LEOs at 360ARMOR.

To get into law enforcement, you have to be physically fit, emotionally balanced and mentally sharp – but how many of us maintain those qualities as our careers progress?
So that you can beat all the odds that are against you, maintaining adequate LEO physical fitness should be your own personal condition of employment
If you were to take the time to write down 10 values to help guide you at work and at home, what might they be?
Every day, police officers commit “upstream” heroic acts – here’s why that matters
No other career can so beat you down mentally, emotionally, physically and even spiritually as ours
Law enforcement is a profession full of high purpose where universal principles and immutable core values are our best motivator