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So, you want to become a police officer? Good news, you’ve come to the right place.

This Police1 special series breaks down everything prospective cops need to know – from finding the right agency and making it through the application process, to entering the police academy and ultimately starting your first day on the force.

We’ve also included information for officers looking to advance their careers into fields like investigations, SWAT and police leadership.

Above all else, remember that if at first you don’t succeed, try again — harder
How to be successful from your first day at the police academy through graduation day
A veteran officer breaks down the rigorous process to land the job — do you have what it takes?
Sniper is not an easy position to obtain, so you’d better be prepared to stay the course and try again
Police candidates who understand what the psych exam is really about can stress less
Here’s what to expect if you decide to take the path of a Special Weapons and Tactics operator
Despite the negative impacts of law enforcement, the love for the job is abundant
Considering a career in law enforcement? This is what you can expect to learn in the police academy
A list of common metropolitan police ranks from lowest to highest, plus an overview of sheriff’s department and state police ranks
How an Arizona agency uses strategy and culture to influence recruitment