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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Protecting your personal information in an online world is a necessary process for officer and family safety
Know your legal options when hate speech or threats are posted on your police department’s social feeds
Jim and Doug discuss some of the things that can be done to prevent an attack, as well as some steps to take in the event that an attack is successful
As ransomware and other attacks continue to threaten public safety organizations, here’s how to guard against these events
Organizations and citizens have a “shared responsibility” to defend their data, computer hardware and software systems from ransomware attacks
A cybercrime scene can be as challenging to manage as a physical crime scene for investigators
Police departments have become a particularly attractive target for this type of attack
Gaining unauthorized access to your work email is simpler than you think
Many police agencies have been affected by DDoS attacks in recent years
When internet trolls harass your department, don’t take the bait