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How to buy records management systems (eBook)

Download this Police1 records management systems buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


An FBI document on records management systems (RMS) states, “Law enforcement agencies now need to communicate agency-to-agency and across continents in order to protect the Nation’s citizens. Nothing is more important to accomplishing that mission than having accessibility to accurate and timely records. Calls for service records and investigative, arrest, criminal identification, detention and even civil records hold information that by themselves mean little; however, when pieced together with information from other jurisdictions, the result can help with all levels of investigations and aid in safeguarding the Nation.”

According to the Law Enforcement Information Technology Standards Council, a records management system is “an agency-wide system that provides for the storage, retrieval, retention, manipulation, archiving and viewing of information, records, documents or files pertaining to law enforcement operations.”

Procuring an RMS is a resource-intensive effort that requires due diligence, capturing business requirements, a methodical review of solution providers, training end users, and ongoing maintenance. Choosing the wrong RMS can result in financial loss and decreased morale among agency personnel. An efficient RMS enables detectives and other officers to access more information—both within their agency and across agencies—moving investigations forward faster to better serve their communities. From the detective working a case to the records clerk searching for evidence, law enforcement professionals need information to solve crimes, protect citizens, and run more efficient departments.

This Police1 guide to buying records management systems is an essential resource for law enforcement agencies.

Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before purchasing records management systems, ensuring you understand your department’s specific needs and the capabilities of different systems.
  • Top implementation strategies, helping you integrate and utilize the systems effectively.
  • Essential questions to ask vendors, enabling you to gather all necessary information to make informed decisions.

Equip your department with the most advanced and efficient records management systems. Download your free copy of Police1’s “How to Buy Records Management Systems” by filling out the form.