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Uniform Stories

The fact is, police families are no different
Each of us likely knows a fellow officer killed in the line of duty, and this book celebrates their life
Thoughts and images of the incident were starting to roll through my mind on repeat, like a slideshow
Crime stinks and this isn’t just an amusing anecdote; it actually has a smell
The following 13 problems have perplexed me to no end and seem to be the few things about this job that remain constant
Those cameras are always running, aren’t they?
We knew that a career in public service would be difficult and we accepted the challenge
We know tomorrow isn’t guaranteed
Don’t try it…totally doesn’t work
There are some differences between us and our brother officers
You don’t want to spend holidays with friends or family? Have I got a job for you!
I would advise against trying any shortcuts
If you’re reading this and you’re a fellow officer, let me remind you: The Silent Majority is there for us
If you want to be an effective cop, this is an important lesson to learn.
Telling this story never gets old.
Officer Leslie Coffelt distinguished himself as the only Secret Service member who died saving the president
First on the list: “You need to find some real criminals!”
‘I need to get home because my wife is fertile’
This good deed was done at the exact time I needed uplifting
The stigma affects all officers, we need to break the silence.
You need to be willing to do the work
I’ll never forget
You’ll be amazed by what you’ll hear, if you’re willing
This officer handled it with about as much professionalism as humanly possible
The dance battle of the century?
If you are not giving, then you are not living - a police officer’s perspective for ending the war on hunger
If a police officer time to stop you for a violation, it should serve as a reminder that collisions occur year round
Some days are harder than others.
Every call is a lesson, some hard and some incredibly simple, but all worth learning
Individuals who watch video clips of incidents that provide little context and make a determination on charges are oversimplifying our professional judgment and training