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‘Oh sh**’: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson reacts to his police lookalike

The Rock himself is finally letting us know what he thinks about his doppelganger, Alabama police Lt. Eric Fields

rock johnson and lt eric fields (left)

Morgan County Sheriff’s Office

By Suzie Ziegler

MORGAN COUNTY, Ala. — Lt. Eric Fields, an Alabama police officer, made headlines last week for his uncanny resemblance to movie star Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Now, Fields has finally caught the attention of his famous doppelganger.

In a tweet late Monday, Johnson commented on a side-by-side comparison of himself and Fields.

“Oh sh**! Wow. Guy on the left is way cooler,” Johnson wrote, referring to Fields. The former pro-wrestler thanked Fields for his service and said the pair would one day have a drink of Teremana Tequila – a brand that Johnson owns.

Fields responded with a photo of himself holding a bottle of Teremana.

“Thanks brother & cheers,” Fields wrote, looking very Rock-like with a pair of aviators and a muscle tank.

[POPULAR: Mistaken for ‘The Rock’? This cop gets it all the time]

Johnson’s tweet racked up thousands of likes overnight, with many commenters chiming in.

“Wait so that ISNT you????” one commenter wrote.

“Did anyone else think that that was a photo of Dwayne Johnson from fast and furious,” wrote another.