Title: Seas of Crisis
Author: Joe Buff
Submariners are quite often forgotten as they “Run Silent/Run Deep”. This futuristic underwater mission is an intriguing and interesting story. One which not only grabs and holds the reader’s interest, but rich in Undersea Adventure and lore, while written with a tremendous amount of Undersea knowledge and understanding.
Capt. Jeffrey Fuller, ( Commodore, recently promoted ) is in receipt of highly classified orders – which will have an everlasting effect on the future of the whole-world.
With a group of Commando’s on board one submarine and a very highly trained/experienced crew on another submarine, the stage is set – for an underwater adventure story of a lifetime. There are only one of two endings. Total Armageddon/Apocalypse now, or taking the Axis powers to the brink and before pushing them over, stopping them. Or is there a third ending? Find out for yourself and read Joe Buff’s Seas of Crisis. If you love undersea adventure, you’ll enjoy this story for sure.
Joe Buff’s Seas of Crisis is at once incredibly believable and realistically plausible. His writing at once grabs you and sucks you in and drags you along like the wake of a fast moving torpedo and you will not want it to release you until the bitter end.
Well done Joe. Excellent book.
Steven C. Bronson “CHIEF” Boat – Guy USN Ret.
“CHIEF” Editor ( TER )