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Ore. cop coerces naked, suicidal man to safety with sandwich

As an officer began speaking with the man, the troubled individual revealed he was hungry, so the officer used a sandwich to talk him off the ledge

By Becky Bratu
NBC News

PORTLAND — A crisis-intervention officer — armed with a sandwich — persuaded a naked, disturbed man to come down off the ledge of a parking structure he was threatening to jump off in Portland, Ore., Saturday.

Police said in a news release they responded to a call involving “a naked subject, possibly armed with a knife, acting as if he intended to jump off a parking structure” around 11:10 a.m. local time (2:30 p.m. ET).

The man “appeared to be experiencing a behavioral health crisis” — sitting on the ledge, threatening to jump off and cutting himself, according to the release. As an officer began speaking with the man, the troubled individual revealed he was hungry. A sandwich was then procured from the nearby Hotel deLuxe, and officers used it to “move the subject away from the ledge,” police said.

Full Story: Sandwich-wielding police talk naked Oregon man off of ledge