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UK cops help communities prepare for harsh weather

“We have been running errands and I have also arranged for local suppliers to make deliveries” an officer said

Evesham Journal

EVESHAM, UK — Officers in Evesham have been lending a hand to local people during the wintry weather.

Police and community support officers have been out and about checking on elderly and vulnerable residents and assisting them with important tasks they have been struggling to do themselves, such as clearing paths and driveways, and collecting milk, food and prescriptions.

Local policing officer for Evesham Town, PC Paul Lewis, said: “Due to the adverse weather conditions I knew some people living in my area would be struggling to get about.

“We have been running errands and I have also arranged for local suppliers to make deliveries to Ferry View home for the elderly as around 80 people live there.

“We are part of the community and anything we can do to help we will, while continuing to go about our other duties.”

Local policing sergeant for Evesham, Phil Stayte, added while officers would continue to deal with criminal and anti-social behaviour, any spare time was dedicated to helping their communities.

“Clearly police have a responsibility to keep people safe and are willing to help, when available, with all aspects of this,” he said.

“It is extremely rewarding for officers to make that difference in any way, from combating crime to clearing an elderly person’s pathway of snow.”

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