By Police1 staff
BOSTON — New photographs have emerged of the shootout between police and the Boston bombing suspects in a residential street in Watertown.
Blogger Andrew Kitzenberg, who took the photos, wrote that he was working on his computer when he first heard the gunfire, and ran to his third-floor bedroom to be safe. There, laying on his bed, he documented the tense shootout, today posting the photos on his website,
He writes, “Here are the two brothers [The Tsarnaev brothers] taking cover behind the black Mercedes SUV and shooting towards Watertown Police officers.”
Kitzenberg explained that the green vehicle (left) also appeared to be theirs and that they may have stored supplies in it, likely ammunition.
Kitzenberg indicates with the red circle where he spotted what he believed to be a pressure cooker bomb, which he said created an enormous cloud of smoke. One of the brothers used the smoke to his advantage, charging at officers at the end of the road as he fired, according to the blogger.
He writes, “As he got closer to the officers, within 10 -15 yards of them he was taken down. From my vantage point I did not see whether he was tackled to the ground or brought down by gunshots.
The red circle here is to indicate where the brother who was taken down moments earlier is still lying in the road as the second brother — now in the black SUV at the top of the image — charges toward him. Kitzenberg writes that the driver of the SUV, believed to be Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, broke through the barricade of vehicles, side swiping many of them, and disappears.
The blogger makes no mention of whether the younger brother hit Tamerlan during his escape. However, Watertown Police Chief Ed Deveau told the Boston Globe that the SUV dragged the wounded suspect, and it was from those injuries that he died.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured by police less than 24 hours later, wounded in a boat in a backyard in Watertown. He remains in a hospital in Boston in fair condition with gunshot wounds to his head, neck, legs and hand.
Tsarnaev has been charged with with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction, which could result in a death sentence for the twin bombings at the Boston Marathon that left 3 dead and over 160 injured.